For those of you that know me, you know that I lurve Models Own! So when they had a 50% off sale I just *had* to place an order (or two). I HAD to. Well I was away at my boyfriends which was lovely and a good thing too because my goodies took bloody ages to arrive lol and I would have been going spare otherwise! But the day after I got back my polishes were here! YAY! They're so lovely! I think I made some good choices, but even after looking at some swatches they still look different to how I was expecting. This is what I ordered.
Top Row, Left to Right: Pink Lady, Tickled Pink, Lili's Pink, Mystic Mauve, Champagne, Peacock Green.
Bottom Row, Left to Right: Pink Fizz, Purple Haze, Bluebelle, Beth's Blue, Top Turquoise, Prussian Blue.
The brush is the Angled Blush Brush - which I wanted because I only have a Kabuki that came with my No7 mineral powder blush and that if I'm not careful can make me look like either a 6 year old applied my make-up or that I'm auditioning for a comedic role in the national circus. Either way it's not a good look.
I'm so happy with my choices and I'll do individual posts soon, I want to swatch them and try them out! The only thing I'm a bit unhappy with is that Pink Lady (Top Left) is looking rather empty for a brand new polish.. There is a visible line of sunlight that shines through if I hold it up to the window - it's about 1cm down the bottle.. I think I'll ask MO for a replacement, I'm sure they'll help! They're such a good company!
Also, Bluebelle looks a slightly lighter, more ocean blue on the website so I wasn't expecting the royal blue glitter that I received, but I like it all the same =) I've already got an idea for glitter polish nail art that I'm going to try really soon!

This is my current MO collection =) As you can see I've nearly doubled it with this order! I wanted to get Fuzzy Peach and Lemon Meringue as well but I have similar colours and would prefer the Pro equivalents. The colours I ordered (with the exception of Top Turquoise, Mystic Mauve and Champagne) are not available in Boots - something that I was careful about because I wanted to try some that are online only. I thought about getting the box sets, but I didn't want Sterling Silver because I already have several silvers.. I also didn't want Lilac Dream because my Barry M Berry IceCream is identical.. so I just picked my favourites from the sets. The only ones I was really sure I wanted were Tickled Pink, Beth's Blue and Prussian Blue.. the rest I chose by looking at swatches online =) Here's a closer view of those gorgeous colours!

In case you are interested as to the names of the polishes that I already had, they are as follows:
Top Row, Left to Right: Cuter Pewter (Pro), Yas-Mint (Pro), Mauve Over (Pro), Lavender Blue (Pro), Pink Smash Up, Silver Smash Up, Golden Peach.
Bottom Row, Left to Right: Blooboo, Jade Stone, Utopia, Blue Med, Juicy Jules, Gold Rush, 25 Carat Gold.
I hope you've enjoyed looking at my goodies! Don't be too jealous =P Willow thinks I spend too much on nail polish and not enough on nommy kitty treats!
Until next time!
-Leisha xx